
Буферы, Приемопередатчики и Линейные Драйверы

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Буфер / драйвер линии, неинвертирующий, 3 состояния, 4.5В до 5.5В, SOIC-20.The SN74ACT244DW is an octal Buffer/Driver designed specifically to improve the performance and density of 3-state memory address drivers, clock drivers and bus-oriented receivers and transmitters. The SN74ACT244 device is or..
204 ₽
Буфер / драйвер линии, неинвертирующий, 4.5В до 5.5В, SOIC-20...
60 ₽
Буфер / драйвер линии, неинвертирующий, 3 состояния, 4.5В до 5.5В, DIP-20.The SN74ACT244N is an octal Buffer/Driver designed specifically to improve the performance and density of 3-state memory address drivers, clock drivers and bus-oriented receivers and transmitters. The SN74ACT244 device is orga..
134 ₽
Буфер, неинвертирующий, TTL, 4.5В до 5.5В, TSSOP-20...
222 ₽
Буфер / драйвер, неинвертирующий, 3 состояния, 4.5В до 5.5В, TSSOP-20...
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Буфер / драйвер, неинвертирующий, 3 состояния, 4.5В до 5.5В, TSSOP-20.The SN74ACT244PWR is an octal Buffer/Driver designed specifically to improve the performance and density of 3-state memory address drivers, clock drivers and bus-oriented receivers and transmitters. The SN74ACT244 device is organi..
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Приемопередатчик, неинвертирующий, 4.5В до 5.5В, SOIC-20.The SN74ACT245DWR is an octal Bus Transceiver with 3-state outputs. This octal bus transceiver is designed for asynchronous 2-way communication between data buses. The control-function implementation minimizes external timing requirements. Whe..
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Приемопередатчик, семейства 74ACT245, 74ACT, питание 4.5В до 5.5В, SOIC-20.The SN74ACT245DWR is an octal Bus Transceiver with 3-state outputs. This octal bus transceiver is designed for asynchronous 2-way communication between data buses. The control-function implementation minimizes external timing..
95 ₽
Приемопередатчик, неинвертирующий, 3 состояния, 4.5В до 5.5В, TSSOP-20.The SN74ACT245PW is an octal Bus Transceiver with 3-state outputs. This octal bus transceiver is designed for asynchronous 2-way communication between data buses. The control-function implementation minimizes external timing requ..
211 ₽
Приемопередатчик, 3 состояния, 4.5В до 5.5В, TSSOP-20...
147 ₽
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