
Транзисторы - Модули МОП-транзисторов

Биполярный транзистор, Двойной N Канал, 30 В, 6.7 Ом, 4.5 В, 750 мВ...
326 ₽
Биполярный транзистор, N Канал, 180 А, 100 В, 6.5 мОм, 10 В.The VS-FB180SA10P is a 5th generation high current density N channel Power MOSFET is paralleled into a compact, high power module providing the best combination of switching, ruggedized design, very low on-resistance and cost effectiveness...
0 ₽
Биполярный транзистор, N Канал, 190 А, 100 В, 0.0054 Ом, 10 В, 3.3 В.The VS-FB190SA10 is a 100V N-channel Power MOSFET, high current density power MOSFET is paralleled into a compact, high power module providing the best combination of switching, ruggedized design and very low on-resistance. The iso..
0 ₽
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