
Преобразователи Индуктивности в Цифровой Сигнал

Преобразователь индуктивности в цифровой сигнал, разрешение 24 бита, 4.75В до 5.25В, SPI интерфейс...
0 ₽
CONVERTER, INDUCTANCE - DIGITAL, 16-WSON.The LDC1000NHRT is a 5V, high resolution, Inductance to Digital Converter for inductive sensing applications. Inductive sensing is a contact-less, short-range sensing technology that enables high-resolution sensing of conductive targets in the presence of dus..
0 ₽
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INDUCTANCE-TO-DIGITAL CONV, 8BIT, WSON.The LDC1041NHRR is an Inductance-to-Digital Converter provides system designers a way to achieve high performance and reliability at a lower system cost than other competing solutions. The LDC1041 is pin compatible with the LDC1000 (16-bit Rp/24-bit L) and the ..
1 250 ₽
INDUCTANCE-TO-DIGITAL CONV, 8BIT, WSON.The LDC1051NHRR is an Inductance-to-Digital Converter provides system designers a way to achieve high performance and reliability at a lower system cost than other competing solutions. It is pin compatible with the LDC1000 (16-bit Rp/24-bit L) and the LDC1041 (..
1 014 ₽
INDUCTANCE TO DIGITAL CONV, SPI, VSON-10.The LDC1101DRCT is a high-resolution Inductance-to-Digital Converter for short-range, high-speed, contactless sensing of position, rotation or motion, enabling reliable, accurate measurements even in the presence of dust or dirt, making it ideal for open or h..
736 ₽
Преобразователь индуктивности в цифровой сигнал, разрешение 12 бит, 1.71В до 1.89В, I2C интерфейс...
375 ₽
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