Светодиод повышенной яркости, Ультрафиолетовый, 367 нм, 130 °, 700 мА.The VLMU3510-365-130 from Vishay is an UV SMD LED with silicone lens. This is a ceramic based high power UV LED with silicone lens for long life time. The package size is 3.45mm x 3.45mm and the radiant power up to 835mW at 500mA ..
2 156 ₽
Светодиод повышенной яркости, Little Star Series, Теплый Белый, 120 °, 75 лм, 350 мА.The VLMW712T2T3QN-GS08 from Vishay is a Little Star 1W power SMD white LED in 6mmx 6mm x 1.5mm (L x W x H) compact outline. It rank among the most robust and light efficient LEDs in the market. Using recent and reli..
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Светодиод повышенной яркости, Little Star Series, Белый, 120 °, 90 лм, 350 мА.The VLMW712T3U3US-GS08 from Vishay is a Little Star 1W power SMD white LED in 6mmx 6mm x 1.5mm (L x W x H) compact outline. It rank among the most robust and light efficient LEDs in the market. Using recent and reliable ni..
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Светодиод повышенной яркости, Little Star Series, Холодный Белый, 120 °, 100 лм, 350 мА.The VLMW712U2U3XV-GS08 from Vishay is a Little Star 1W power SMD white LED in 6mmx 6mm x 1.5mm (L x W x H) compact outline. It rank among the most robust and light efficient LEDs in the market. Using recent and r..
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