
Макетные Платы, Инструменты Оценки

Development Kit, EZRadio, SI4010/SI4355, 434MHz, Key Fob Development.EZRadio® Si4010/Si4355 434MHz key Fob development kit. Si4010 RF SoC transmitter and Si4355 sub-GHz receiver key fob development platform is a flexible platform for comfortably developing software and testing the whole system using..
66 522 ₽
Development Kit, Zentri Wireless, AMW106 Module ZentriOS, Piranha Programmer/Debugger.Zentri ADK-W01 wireless development kit. This starter kit for developing secure Wi-Fi networking applications with ZentriOS and the ZentriOS SDK. ZentriOS offers a uniquely encrypted application on a per device lev..
0 ₽
Evaluation Board, STUSB1702Y USB Type-C Controller, Power Delivery, Automotive Новинка...
19 343 ₽
Evaluation Board, SPC58 Chorus Series MCUs, USB Type-C Power Delivery Development, Automotive Новинка.USB Type-C™ and USB power delivery evaluation kit based on the automotive grade SPC58 MCU and AutoDevKit development initiative. It is designed to let ..
51 158 ₽
Development Kit, Zentri Classic Wireless, AMW007 Module, ZentriOS-Lite, USB-UART Interface.Wireless development kit provides a quick and easy way to evaluate and develop using ZentriOS-Lite with the surface mounted AMW007 module. Using the module is a breeze, simply plug the board into a computer us..
8 950 ₽
Development Board, Wireless Starter Kit, AMWxx7 Wireless Modules, Gecko OS Development Новинка.Wireless starter kit provides a quick and easy way to evaluate and develop using Gecko OS with the surface mounted AMWxx7 module. Using the AMWxx7 module is a..
12 346 ₽
Development Kit, Zentri Wireless, AMW307 Module, ZentriOS-Lite.Zentri AMW037-E01 wireless development kit. This evaluation board provides a quick and easy way to evaluate and develop using ZentriOS-Lite with the surface mounted AMW307 module. Using the AMW037 module is a breeze simply plug the board..
8 950 ₽
Комплект Discovery, беспроводной модуль малой мощности LoRa®, разъемы SMA и U.FL.B-L072Z-LRWAN1 от компании STMicroelectronics является комплектом Discovery STM32L0 LoRa беспроводной связи малой мощности. Этот комплект для протоколов LoRaWAN и LPWAN с STM32L0. Это средство разработки для изучения и ..
10 428 ₽
Комплект разработчика, узел IoT, малая мощность, Wi-Fi, BLE, NFC, 915МГц, подключение к облаку.The B-L475E-IOT01A Discovery kit for IoT node allows user