
Буферы, Приемопередатчики и Линейные Драйверы

Буфер, неинвертирующий, 3 состояния, 4.75В до 5.25В, DIP-20...
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Буфер / драйвер линии, инвертирующий, 3 состояния, 4.75В до 5.25В, SOIC-20.The SN74LS540DW is an octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-state outputs. It is designed to have the performance of the popular SN74LS240 series and at the same time, offers a pin-out having the inputs and outputs. This arrangemen..
304 ₽
Буфер / драйвер линии, инвертирующий, 3 состояния, 4.75В до 5.25В, DIP-20.The SN74LS540N is an octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-state outputs. It is designed to have the performance of the popular SN74LS240 series and at the same time, offers a pin-out having the inputs and outputs. This arrangement ..
257 ₽
Буфер / драйвер линии, неинвертирующий, 3 состояния, 4.75В до 5.25В, SOIC-20.The SN74LS541DWR is an octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-state outputs. It is designed to have the performance of the popular SN74LS240 series and at the same time, offers a pin-out having the inputs and outputs. This arrange..
134 ₽
Буфер / драйвер линии, неинвертирующий, 3 состояния, 4.75В до 5.25В, DIP-20.The SN74LS541N is an Octal Buffer and Line Driver with 3-state output designed to have the performance of the popular SN54LS240/SN74LS240 series and at the same time, offer a pin out having the inputs and outputs on opposite..
249 ₽
383 ₽
Приемопередатчик, инвертирующий, 4.75В до 5.25В, DIP-20.The SN74LS640-1N is an octal Bi-directional Bus Transceiver designed for asynchronous two-way communication between data buses. The device transmits data from the A bus to the B bus or from the B bus to the A bus depending upon the level at the..
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Приемопередатчик, инвертирующий, 4.75В до 5.25В, SOIC-20.The SN74LS640DW is an octal Bi-directional Bus Transceiver designed for asynchronous two-way communication between data buses. The device transmits data from the A bus to the B bus or from the B bus to the A bus depending upon the level at the..
422 ₽
Приемопередатчик, инвертирующий, 4.75В до 5.25В, DIP-20.The SN74LS640N is an octal Bi-directional Bus Transceiver designed for asynchronous two-way communication between data buses. The device transmits data from the A bus to the B bus or from the B bus to the A bus depending upon the level at the d..
354 ₽
688 ₽
Приемопередатчик, неинвертирующий, 4.75В до 5.25В, DIP-20.The SN74LS641-1N is an octal Bus Transceiver with open collector outputs and designed for asynchronous 2-way communication between data buses. The device transmits data from the A bus to the B bus or from the B bus to the A bus depending upon..
662 ₽
Приемопередатчик, неинвертирующий, 4.75В до 5.25В, SOIC-20.The SN74LS641DW is an octal Bus Transceiver with open collector outputs and designed for asynchronous 2-way communication between data buses. The device transmits data from the A bus to the B bus or from the B bus to the A bus depending upon..
554 ₽
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