
Драйверы RS232 / RS422 / RS485

Приемник RS232, 4 драйвера, 4.5В-5.5В, SOIC-14...
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Линейный приемник RS232, 4 драйвера, 4.5В-5.5В, DIP-14.The SN75189AN is a monolithic low-power Schottky Quadruple Line Receiver designed to satisfy the requirements of the standard interface between data-terminal equipment and data-communication equipment as defined by TIA/EIA-232-F. A separate resp..
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Линия RS232, 4 драйвера, 4.5В-5.5В, DIP-14...
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Линия RS232, 4 драйвера, 4.5В-5.5В, SOIC-14.The SN75189D is a quadruple monolithic low-power Schottky Line Receiver designed to satisfy the requirements of the standard interface between data-terminal equipment and data-communication equipment as defined by TIA/EIA-232-F. A separate response-control..
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Линейный приемник RS232, 4.5В-5.5В, DIP-14.The SN75189N is a quadruple monolithic low-power Schottky Line Receiver designed to satisfy the requirements of the standard interface between data-terminal equipment and data-communication equipment as defined by TIA/EIA-232-F. A separate response-control ..
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RS-232 LINE RECEIVER, 5.5V, DIP-14...
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Приемопередатчик RS485, 2 драйвера, 4.75В-5.25В, SOIC-16.The SN75ALS1178NSR is a dual Differential Driver and Receiver integrated circuits designed for bidirectional data communication on multipoint bus transmission lines. It is designed for balanced transmission lines and meets standards TIA/EIA-42..
1 243 ₽
Драйвер линии RS422/RS485, 4 драйвера, 4.75В-5.25В, SOIC-20...
1 052 ₽
RS-422/RS-423/RS-485 RECEIVER, 5.25V DIP16...
1 057 ₽
Драйвер дифференциальной линии RS422/RS485, 4 драйвера, питание 4.75В-5.25В, SOIC-20.The SN75ALS174ADW is a quadruple differential Line Driver with 3-state differential outputs. It is designed to meet the requirements of ANSI Standards EIA/TIA-422-B and RS-485. This device is optimized for balanced ..
928 ₽
RS422/RS485 LINE DRIVER, 5.25V DIP16...
960 ₽
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