
Комплекты Разработчика Устройств Взаимодействия / Связи

EVAL BOARD, USB POWER DELIVERY CTRL Новинка.Evaluation board for the STUSB4500 USB power delivery controller. This board is a ready to use USB PD sink based on STUSB4500. It handles the USB PD negotiation with a source to enable one or more charging pat..
14 083 ₽
Оценочная плата, устройство защиты USB Type-C и фильтр.The STEVAL-OET004V1 from STMicroelectronics is a USB Type-C protection and filtering demo PCB. This kit designed to evaluate ESD protection and filtering solutions for USB Type-C connectors. Different PCBs in the kit provide protection solutions..
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Оценочная плата, HVDPS STNRG011, USB - I2C/UART, питание от USB шины.USB to I2C/UART bridge Evaluation-board for HVDPS STNRG011. It is fundamentally a bidirectional bridge between USB and I?C/UART buses. The STEVAL-PCC020V1 is self-supplied 5V from the USB port. An isolated DC-DC module provides the..
0 ₽
Оценочная плата, приемопередатчик TIOS111-5 IO-Link Device, 3-проводной интерфейс.The TIOL1115EVM from Texas Instruments is an IO-link transceiver evaluation module. It provides users with the ability to evaluate TI's TIOL111x family of IO-Link transceivers. The EVM includes the TIOL1115 which provi..
20 152 ₽
Оценочная плата, драйвер выхода цифрового датчика TIOS101-5, разработка интерфейса датчика.The TIOS1015EVM from Texas Instruments is a TIOS1015 Digital Output (SIO) driver evaluation module. It provides users with the ability to evaluate TI's TIOS101x family of Digital Output (SIO) drivers. The EVM ..
20 152 ₽
Оценочная плата, TMDS HDMI/DVI ретаймер и редрайвер, 6 Гб/с.The TMDS181RGZEVM is a TMDS181RGZ 6Gbps TMDS retimer evaluation module. The TMDS181RGZEVM is a PCB created to help customers evaluate the TMDS181 device for video applications with HDMI2.0 interfaces. The TMDS181 is a digital video interfac..
76 273 ₽
Оценочная плата, переключатель высокой стороны TPS2H160, умный, 2 канала.The TPS2H160EVM is an evaluation module to evaluate the performance of TPS2H160-Q1 IC. The purpose of this EVM is to facilitate evaluation of TPS2H160-Q1 for resistive, capacitive and inductive load. The TPS2H160-Q1 family is a..
25 254 ₽
Оценочная плата, 2-канальный линейный редрайвер, USB3.1, 5Гб/с.The TUSB522PEVM Texas Instruments is an evaluation module USB3.1 5Gbps dual channel linear redriver. This EVM is designed to provide easy evaluation of the TUSB522P device. It is also meant to serve as a reference design to show a practi..
25 254 ₽
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