
РЧ / Беспроводные Комплекты Разработчика

Development Kit, EM35x Mesh Networking, ZigBee, Thread Protocol.EM35x development kit used for application design and development. It contains a variety of hardware for quickly creating a hardware prototype, links to Silicon Labs stack software such as EmberZNet PRO or Silicon Labs Thread and variou..
207 627 ₽
Макетная плата, Sigfox, 868МГц (ЕМ), расширительная плата для комплект разработчика IoT.IDK is easy to use and helps reduce product development effort and time to rapidly evaluate and prototypes end-to-end Iot solutions. Offering design flexibility with a wide choice of connectivity. Sensing, actuat..
5 886 ₽
Evaluation Board, Teseo LIV3F GNSS Module, Multiconstellation, UART, I2C Новинка...
43 313 ₽
Development Kit, EZRadio, SI4010/SI4355, 434MHz, One-Way, Key Fob To LED.EZRadio remote control 434MHz demo kit. It contains everything you need to familiarize yourself with and evaluate the Si4010 RF SoC transmitter and the Si4355 receiver. Provided software pack contains all the documentation and ..
20 125 ₽
Development Kit, EZRadio, SI4010/SI4355, 434MHz, Two-Way, Key Fob To LED.Si4455 EZRadio two-way Link 434MHz demo kit. The Si4455 EZRadio® two-Way Link demo kit contains two RF nodes based on the RFStick board to support evaluation and development of sub-GHz RF links with the Si4455 EZRadio® IC. The ..
21 202 ₽
Комплект разработчика, SimpleLink™ BLE беспроводной микроконтроллер CC2640R2F LaunchPad.The LAUNCHXL-CC2640R2 from Texas Instruments is a SimpleLink™ Bluetooth® low energy CC2640R2F wireless MCU LaunchPad™ development kit. The CC2640R2F device has the first fully qualified Bluetooth 5 protocol stack..
7 397 ₽
Оценочный модуль, LMX2594 15ГГц широкополосный РЧ синтезатор, синхронизация фазы и JESD204B.The LMX2594EVM from Texas Instruments is a 15GHz wideband RF synthesizer with phase synchronization & JESD204B evaluation module. LMX2594 is the first PLL with integrated VCO in industry to get fundamental VC..
0 ₽
Оценочная плата, RSL10 SoC, Bluetooth 4.2 (BLE), встроенный отладчик J-Link.RSL10 development board is used to easily develop Bluetooth® low energy technology-enabled applications based on the industry's lowest power radio System-on-Chip (SoC)...
13 366 ₽
Development Board, RSL10 SiP (System In Package), Bluetooth Low Energy, On Board Debugger Новинка...
16 222 ₽
Evaluation Board, RSL10 Bluetooth Module, USB Dongle Form Factor.RSL10 USB dongle enables rapid prototyping of peripherals for Bluetooth® low energy devices. Using the included Bluetooth® low energy explorer software, engineers can develop, test and evaluate Bluetooth-based applications quickly and ..
9 156 ₽
DEMO BOARD, AM/FM RADIO RECEIVER.Si4731-DEMO board provides a complete portable AM/FM radio design with numerous enhanced features that demonstrate the capabilities of the Silicon Laboratories AM/FM and MCU product families...
0 ₽
Расширительная плата, WGM110 модуль Wi-Fi, микроконтроллер EFM32, интерфейсный сопроцессор Wi-Fi...
11 574 ₽
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