
Макетные Платы, Инструменты Оценки

Оценочная плата, BlueNRG-1 Bluetooth SoC, V5.0, совместимость с Arduino Shield.Evaluation platform based on the BlueNRG-1 low power Bluetooth® smart system on chip, compliant with the Bluetooth® specification and supporting master, slave and simultaneous master-and-slave roles. It provides a set of ..
14 881 ₽
Оценочная платформа, BlueNRG-2 Bluetooth Smart SoC, 256КБ Flash, отличная чувствительность приемника...
0 ₽
Оценочная плата, BlueNRG-2 Bluetooth SoC, совместимость с Arduino Shield.Evaluation platform based on the BlueNRG-2, low power Bluetooth® smart system on chip with 256KB flash, 24KB RAM. It is compliant with the Bluetooth® SMART v5.0 specification, supporting master, slave and simultaneous master an..
22 374 ₽
Evaluation Board, BlueNRG-248 Bluetooth SoC, BLE v5.0, On-Board Sensors, Arduino Compatible Новинка.Evaluation platform based on the BlueNRG-248 low power Bluetooth® system on chip with 256KB flash and 24KB RAM. The BlueNRG-2 chip is compliant with the ..
14 349 ₽
Оценочная плата, формирователь сигнала пассивного ИК датчика на базе TSU102.The STEVAL-IDI009V1 from STMicroelectronics is an evaluation board for passive infrared sensor signal conditioning based on TSU102. This evaluation board conditions the signal generated by a passive infrared (PIR) sensor for..
8 237 ₽
Оценочная плата, приемопередатчик L6362A IO-Link, микроконтроллер STM32L071CZ, различные датчики...
23 118 ₽
Оценочная плата, приемопередатчик L6360 IO-Link Master, многопортовый, CAN/USB интерфейс...
0 ₽
Оценочная плата, модуль SPSGRF-868, сертификат ETSI, 868МГц, USB палочка...
5 421 ₽
Оценочная плата, E-Starter с низким уровнем потерь, для схемы стартера компрессора на базе ACST6.The STEVAL-IHT003V2 from STMicroelectronics is a low loss e-starter evaluation board for compressor starter circuits based on the ACST6. The STEVAL-IHT003V2 evaluation board represents an innovative solu..
5 315 ₽
Оценочная плата, генератор высоковольтных импульсов STHV748S, 4 канала 5 уровней высоты, ультразвук.The STEVAL-IME011V2 from STMicroelectronics is an evaluation board based on the STHV748S high voltage pulser. The STEVAL-IME011V2 evaluation board is designed around the STHV748S 4-channel 5-level hi..
0 ₽
Оценочная плата, STWLC04 и STWBC-WA беспроводной приемник и передатчик питания носимых устройств.The STEVAL-ISB038V1 is a 1W wearable wireless power system based on STWBC-WA and STWLC04 modules. This wireless battery charger evaluation kit is designed for ultra compact battery operated devices such ..
0 ₽
Оценочная плата, носимый беспроводного приемника питания STWLC04, 1Вт.The STEVAL-ISB038V1R is a 1W wearable wireless charger receiver based on STWLC04 integrated wireless power receiver. The wireless charger receiver module is suitable for wearable applications. The STWLC04 is an 800KHz programmable..
0 ₽
Показано с 145 по 156 из 195 (всего 17 страниц)