Оптопара с транзисторным выходом, 2 канала, DIP, 8 вывод(-ов), 60 мА, 5.3 кВ, 50 %.The CNY74-2H is a Phototransistor Output Optocoupler coupled with a GaAIAs infrared LED and a silicon NPN phototransistor. Signal information, including a DC level, can be transmitted by the device while maintaining a..
48 ₽
Оптопара с транзисторным выходом, 4 канала, DIP, 16 вывод(-ов), 60 мА, 5.3 кВ, 50 %.The CNY74-4H from Vishay is a through hole phototransistor output multichannel optocoupler with 16 pin DIP package. CNY74-4H consists of a phototransistor optically coupled to a gallium arsenide infrared emitting dio..
127 ₽