
Вентили и Инверторы

Логический элемент исключающее ИЛИ, КМОП, 4 элемента, 2 входа, 6.8мА, 3В до 18В, SOIC-14...
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Многофункциональный логический элемент, КМОП, 8 входов, 6.8мА, 3В до 18В, DIP-16.The CD4048BE is a CMOS multifunction expandable 8-input Gate having four control inputs. Three binary control inputs - Ka, Kb and Kc - provide the implementation of eight different logic functions. These functions are O..
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Многофункциональный логический элемент, 8 входов, 6.8мА, 3В до 18В, SOIC-16...
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LOGIC, 8IN GATE EXPND MULTI, 16TSSOP.The CD4048BPW is a CMOS multifunction expandable 8-input Gate having four control inputs. Three binary control inputs - Ka, Kb and Kc - provide the implementation of eight different logic functions. These functions are OR, NOR and, NAND or/AND or/NAND and/OR and ..
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Буфер, инвертирующий, 6 входов, 18В до 3В, SOIC-16.The CD4049UBDR is a CMOS Hex inverting Buffer/Converter. The device features logic-level conversion using only one supply voltage (VCC). The input-signal high level (VIH) can exceed the VCC supply voltage when these devices are used for logic-level ..
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Логический элемент И / И-НЕ, КМОП, 8 входов, 6.8мА, 3В до 18В, DIP-14.The CD4068BE is a CMOS 8-input NAND/AND Gate provides the system designer with direct implementation of the positive-logic 8-input NAND and AND functions and supplements the existing family of CMOS gates...
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Логический элемент И-НЕ / И, 8 входов, 6.8мА, 3В - 18В, SOIC-14.The CD4068BM is a CMOS 8-input NAND/AND Gate. The device provides the system designer with direct implementation of the positive-logic 8-input NAND and AND functions and supplements the existing family of CMOS gates...
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Логический элемент И / И-НЕ, 8 входов, 1 элемент, 3В до 18В, SOIC-14...
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Инвертор, 6 элементов, 6 входов, 6.8мА, 3В до 18В, DIP-14.The CD4069UBE is a CMOS hex inverter in 14 pin DIP package. It consists of six CMOS inverter circuits. The CD4069UBE is intended for all general purpose inverter applications where medium power TTL drive and logic level conversion capabilitie..
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Инвертор, 1 вход, 3В до 18В, SOIC-14.The CD4069UBM96 is a CMOS Hex Inverter consists of six circuits. This device is intended for all general-purpose inverter applications where the medium-power TTL-drive and logic-level-conversion capabilities of circuits such as the CD4009 and CD4049 Hex Inverter/..
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