

РЧ приемопередатчик, 164МГц до 960МГц, 2F(G)SK/4(G)FSK, 200Кб/с, 27дБм выход/-127дБм, 2В до 3.6В...
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RF TRANSCEIVER, VQFN-32.The CC1120RHBT is a low-power high-performance RF Transceiver for narrowband systems designed for high performance at very low-power and low-voltage operation in wireless systems. All filters are integrated, thus removing the need for costly external SAW and IF filters. The S..
851 ₽
890 ₽
РЧ приемопередатчик, 164МГц до 192МГц, 2- 4(G)FSK, 200Кб/с, 16дБм выход/-123дБм вход, 2В до 3.6В...
1 081 ₽
RF TRANSCEIVER, VQFN-32.The CC1125RHBT is a single-chip ultra-high performance narrowband RF Transceiver designed for high performance at very low-power and low-voltage operation in wireless systems. All filters are integrated, thus removing the need for costly external SAW and IF filters. The devic..
1 274 ₽
RF TRANSCEIVER, QFN-20.The CC113LRGPR is a sub-1GHz RF Value Line Receiver for the 300 to 348, 387 to 464 and 779 to 928MHz frequency bands. The circuit is based on the popular CC1101 RF transceiver and RF performance characteristics are identical. The CC115L transmitter together with the CC113L rec..
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RF TRANSMITTER, QFN-20.The CC115LRGPR is a sub-1GHz RF Value Line Transmitter for the 300 to 348, 387 to 464 and 779 to 928MHz frequency bands. The circuit is based on the popular CC1101 RF transceiver and RF performance characteristics are identical. Two CC110L transceivers together enable a bidire..
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РЧ усилитель, 27.9дБ усиление / 2.9дБ шум, 850МГц до 950МГц, 2В до 3.7В питание, QFN-16...
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FRONT END, RF, 850 - 950 MHZ, 16VQFN.The CC1190RGVT is a low-power high-performance RF Front End for low-voltage wireless applications at 850 to 950MHz. CC1190 is a range extender for the sub-1 GHz low-power RF transceivers, transmitters and System-on-Chip devices from Texas Instruments. Front end i..
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RF FRONT END, 11.6DB, 950MHZ, QFN-16...
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РЧ приемопередатчик, 164МГц до 190МГц, 2- 4(G)FSK, 1.25Мб/с, 16дБм выход/-123дБм вход, 2В до 3.6В...
622 ₽
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