Светодиод, Зеленый, Сквозное Отверстие, T-1 3/4 (5мм), 2 мА, 1.9 В, 565 нм.The TLLG5401 from Vishay is a through hole, low Current tinted diffused green LED made of GaP on GaP material. This LED is low power consumption and high brightness which is widely used at low power DC circuits...
0 ₽
Светодиод, Желтый, Сквозное Отверстие, T-1 (3мм), 2 мА, 2.4 В, 594 нм.The TLLY4400 is a yellow through-hole Low Current LED made of GaAsP on GaP technology and round lens. It features low power consumption and CMOS/MOS compatible. It also features ±25° angle of half intensity, 581nm minimum and 594n..
20 ₽