Тиристор, 600 В, 200 мкА, 5 А, 8 А, TO-252, 3 вывод(-ов).The TS820-600B-TR is a 3-pin Sensitive SCR for all modes of control, found in applications such as overvoltage crowbar protection, inrush current limiting circuits, capacitive discharge ignition and voltage regulation circuits...
71 ₽
Тиристор, 600 В, 200 мкА, 5 А, 8 А, TO-220AB, 3 вывод(-ов).The TS820-600T is a Sensitive Silicon Controlled Rectifier, suitable to fit all modes of control found in applications such as overvoltage crowbar protection, motor control circuits in power tools and kitchen aids, inrush current limiting ci..
165 ₽