Тиристор, 600 В, 50 мкА, 900 мА, 4 А, TO-202, 3 вывод(-ов).The X0405MF 1AA2 is a 3-pin Silicon Controlled Rectifier is suitable for all applications where the available gate current is limited, such as capacitive discharge ignitions, motor control in kitchen aids, overvoltage crowbar protection in l..
0 ₽
Триак, 600 В, 3 мА, 1 Вт, 1.3 В, TO-92, 8 А.The Z0103MA 1AA2 is a 3-pin Standard Triac, suitable for general purpose AC switching applications. Standard triac is all-purpose AC mains switches with simple and low-current gate drive. They provides the sparkless and non-ageing features of semiconductor..
22 ₽