

Стартовый комплект с беспроводной связью, модуль Bluetooth SIP, для BGM121, BGM123 и BGM111.SLWSTK6101C от компании Silicon Labs является стартовым комплектом умного модуля беспроводной связи Blue Gecko Bluetooth для BGM121, BGM123 и BGM111. Умный модуль Blue Gecko Bluetooth является самым легким и ..
0 ₽
Оценочная плата, прикладной процессор SPBTLE-1S Bluetooth® SMART, малая мощность, BLE микрофон...
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Макетная плата, модуль Bluetooth® Class 1 SPBT3.0DP1, форм-фактор USB палочки.The STEVAL-BTDP1 from STMicroelectronics is a USB dongle for the Bluetooth® class 1 SPBT3.0DP1 module. The STEVAL-BTDP1 dongle demonstration tool is exclusively designed for quick and easy SPBT3.0DP1 module evaluation. The..
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Макетная плата, модуль Bluetooth® Class 2 SPBT3.0DP2, форм-фактор USB палочки.The STEVAL-BTDP2 from STMicroelectronics is an USB dongle for the Bluetooth® class 2 SPBT3.0DP2 module. The STEVAL-BTDP2 dongle demonstration tool is exclusively designed for quick and easy SPBT3.0DP2 module evaluation. Th..
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Development Kit, Jorjin WS2118 Wireless Module, Sigfox, LPWAN, BlueNRG Bluetooth, S2-LP Sub-1GHz Новинка.Dual radio BLE and Sub-1GHz development kit for Sigfox™ and LPWAN protocols with BlueNRG-1 and S2-LP. This is a cost-effective tool to help you desi..
17 879 ₽
Макетная плата, Bluetooth Low Energy, сетевой процессор BlueNRG-MS.The STEVAL-IDB005V1 from STMicroelectronics is a Bluetooth low energy board based on the BlueNRG-MS network processor. It is an evaluation platform based on BlueNRG-MS, a low power Bluetooth smart IC compliant with the Bluetooth 4.1 ..
33 875 ₽
Оценочный комплект, Bluetooth, SPBTLE-1S SoC, BLE v4.2, 3D акселерометр, датчик давления...
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Оценочная плата, BlueNRG-1 Bluetooth SoC, V5.0, совместимость с Arduino Shield.Evaluation platform based on the BlueNRG-1 low power Bluetooth® smart system on chip, compliant with the Bluetooth® specification and supporting master, slave and simultaneous master-and-slave roles. It provides a set of ..
16 938 ₽
Оценочная платформа, BlueNRG-2 Bluetooth Smart SoC, 256КБ Flash, отличная чувствительность приемника...
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Оценочная плата, BlueNRG-2 Bluetooth SoC, совместимость с Arduino Shield.Evaluation platform based on the BlueNRG-2, low power Bluetooth® smart system on chip with 256KB flash, 24KB RAM. It is compliant with the Bluetooth® SMART v5.0 specification, supporting master, slave and simultaneous master an..
25 467 ₽
Evaluation Board, BlueNRG-248 Bluetooth SoC, BLE v5.0, On-Board Sensors, Arduino Compatible Новинка.Evaluation platform based on the BlueNRG-248 low power Bluetooth® system on chip with 256KB flash and 24KB RAM. The BlueNRG-2 chip is compliant with the ..
16 333 ₽
EVAL BOARD, 6X10 LED MATRIX DISPLAY Новинка.LED driver evaluation board ensures a cost effective 6 x 10 LED matrix with individual LED control. The STP16CPC26 low voltage 16bit constant current LED sink driver on the STEVAL-LLL005V1 evaluation board. Th..
13 611 ₽
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