

Development Kit, RSL10 SoC, B-IDK Bluetooth IoT Development Kit Baseboard, BLE V5.0 Новинка.The BDK-GEVK featuring RSL10, industry's lowest power Bluetooth 5 SoC serves as a baseboard for the Bluetooth IoT Development Kit (B-IDK). Daughter cards or shie..
18 991 ₽
Макетная плата, Bluetooth V5, BLE, расширительная плата для комплекта разработчика IoT.BLE-IOT-GEVB evaluation board adds Bluetooth 5 and BLE functionality to the IoT Development Kit (IDK)...
19 328 ₽
Комплект разработчика, CC1350 SensorTag, разработка WAN большого диапазона 915МГц, только для США...
19 556 ₽
Комплект разработчика, CC1350 SensorTag, разработка WAN большого диапазона, 868МГц, только для ЕС...
17 130 ₽
Development Kit, Bluegiga DKBLE Bluetooth Smart, BLE1xx Modules.Bluegiga DKBLE Bluetooth® smart development kit. It is targeted for engineers evaluating Bluetooth Smart modules BLE112, BLE113 and BLE121LR. DKBLE is platform containing various switchable peripherals for creating and testing several d..
50 953 ₽
Development Kit, Bluegiga WT31i Bluetooth Audio Module, Stereo/Mono, Battery Powered.Bluegiga WT32i Bluetooth® audio development kit designed to evaluate the WT32i Bluetooth audio module and prototyping Bluetooth stereo and mono audio applications...
0 ₽
Development Kit, Bluegiga WT12 Bluetooth Module, USB, RS-232 Interface...
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Комплект разработчика, SimpleLink™ BLE беспроводной микроконтроллер CC2640R2F LaunchPad.The LAUNCHXL-CC2640R2 from Texas Instruments is a SimpleLink™ Bluetooth® low energy CC2640R2F wireless MCU LaunchPad™ development kit. The CC2640R2F device has the first fully qualified Bluetooth 5 protocol stack..
8 420 ₽
Оценочная плата, RSL10 SoC, Bluetooth 4.2 (BLE), встроенный отладчик J-Link.RSL10 development board is used to easily develop Bluetooth® low energy technology-enabled applications based on the industry's lowest power radio System-on-Chip (SoC)...
15 214 ₽
Development Board, RSL10 SiP (System In Package), Bluetooth Low Energy, On Board Debugger Новинка...
18 465 ₽
Evaluation Board, RSL10 Bluetooth Module, USB Dongle Form Factor.RSL10 USB dongle enables rapid prototyping of peripherals for Bluetooth® low energy devices. Using the included Bluetooth® low energy explorer software, engineers can develop, test and evaluate Bluetooth-based applications quickly and ..
10 421 ₽
Комплект разработчика, EFR32™ Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Low Energy беспроводная SoC, адаптер отладки...
46 527 ₽
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