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882 ₽
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МЭМС модуль, Трехосевой Акселерометр, Трехосевой Магнитометр, 1.71 В, 1.98 В, LGA, 12 вывод(-ов).

The ISM303DAC has user-selectable linear acceleration full scales of ±2g/±4g/±8g/?16 g and is capable of measuring accelerations with output data rates from 1 Hz to 6400 Hz. The device has a magnetic field dynamic range of up to ±50 gauss with output data rates from10 Hz to 150 Hz. The ISM303DAC includes an I2C serial bus interface that supports standard, fast mode, fast mode plus, and high-speed (100 kHz, 400 kHz, 1 MHz, and 3.4 MHz) and an SPI serial standard interface.

  • 3 magnetic field channels and 3 acceleration channels
  • Up to ±50 gauss magnetic dynamic range
  • ±2/±4/±8/±16 g selectable acceleration full scales
  • Dynamic switching between high-resolution, high-frequency and low-power modes
  • 16-bit data output
  • SPI / I2C serial interfaces
  • Programmable interrupt generators for freefall, motion and magnetic field detection
  • Embedded self-test both for the accelerometer and magnetometer
  • Embedded 256 level FIFO
  • Embedded temperature sensor

SVHC (Особо Опасные Вещества)No SVHC (15-Jan-2018)
Диапазон Ускорения± 2g, ± 4g, ± 8g, ± 16g
Количество Выводов12вывод(-ов)
Максимальное Напряжение Питания1.98В
Минимальное Напряжение Питания1.71В
Стиль Корпуса Микросхемы ДатчикаLGA
Уровень Чувствительности к Влажности (MSL)MSL 3 - 168 часов
Функция МЭМС МодуляТрехосевой Акселерометр, Трехосевой Магнитометр