

Мостовой выпрямитель, 1 Фаза, 400 В, 1.5 А, DIP, 1.1 В, 4 вывод(-ов).

The DF04S is a glass passivated Bridge Rectifier with the ever-pressing need to improve power supply efficiency, improve surge rating, improve reliability and reduce size, the DFxS family sets a standard in performance. The design offers an surge rating of 50A. This is important when improving reliability and increasing efficiency. High efficiency designs strive to reduce circuit resistance, which, unfortunately can result in increased inrush surge. As such high surge current ratings can be required to maintain or improve reliability. The design also offers better efficiency by achieving a 1.5A VF of 1.1V maximum at 25°C. This lower VF also supports cooler and more efficient operation.

  • 280V Maximum RMS bridge input voltage
  • 3.1W Power dissipation
  • 25pF at 4V/1MHz Total capacitance per leg
  • UL Certified

SVHC (Особо Опасные Вещества)Lead (27-Jun-2018)
Количество Выводов4вывод(-ов)
Количество Фаз1 Фаза
Линейка ПродукцииDF04S Series
Максимальная Рабочая Температура150°C
Максимальное Значение Напряжения Vrrm400В
Максимальное Прямое Напряжение1.1В
Средний Прямой Ток1.5А
Стиль Корпуса Мостового ВыпрямителяDIP