

  • Наличие: Под заказ 3-4 недели
7 ₽
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Резистор в сквозное отверстие, Серия MBB, 10 кОм, 600 мВт, ± 1%, 300 В, Осевые Выводы.

The MBB02070C1002FCT00 is a thin film Axial Leaded Resistor, suitable for processing on automatic insertion equipment and cutting and bending machines. Excellent solderability is proven, even after extended storage. They are suitable for automatic soldering using wave or dipping. The encapsulation is resistant to all cleaning solvents commonly used in the electronics industry, including alcohols, esters and aqueous solutions. The resistors are completely lead-free, the pure tin plating provides compatibility with lead-free soldering processes. The immunity of the plating against tin whisker growth has been proven under extensive testing. All products comply with the CEFIC-EECA-EICTA list of legal restrictions on hazardous substances.

SVHC (Особо Опасные Вещества)To Be Advised
Допуск Сопротивления± 1%
Класс Мощности600мВт
Линия ПродукцииСерия MBB
Номинальное Напряжение300В
Стиль Корпуса РезистораОсевые Выводы
Температурный Коэффициент± 50млн??/°C
Тип Элемента СопротивленияМеталлическая Пленка